Lavender Rose Healing Massage
Heal Your Body the Natural Way

TLV Naturals Products

Lavender Rose Healing Massage, LLC presents TLV Naturals skin care creams and lotions that are homemade with no chemical parabens.  Natural preservatives include grapefruit oil, T50 vitamin E oil, and oregano oil.  Creams and lotions are formulated with grape seed and coconut oils that hold moisture in the skin and give you a healthy glow.  There are no alcohols that dry out the skin.  Beeswax helps to repel harmful chemicals if you put your hands in household cleaning products or dish detergent.  These creams and lotions actually protect skin from harsh chemicals.  Check out my products and boards at Click on the Pinterest button then search for boards by Lavender Rose Healing Massage.

PinterestFragrances available include Lavender Rose, Apple Blossom, and Hawaiian White Ginger.  Call for a sample or to place an order: (304)538-7979.  Unscented is also available upon request and made to order.  Questions about the products or for more information on ingredients, give me a call.


TLV Naturals also has a great remedy for toenail fungus.  As a massage therapist, I see many clients who have this condition.  It is hard to get rid of and if you go to your doctor for treatment, they will put you on very expensive drugs that can cause liver damage.  TLV Naturals "Clear Toe" salve remedies the problem without harmful side effects and is affordable.  Just a little dab daily rubbed into the affected toenail can kill the fungus.  This product is formulated with tea tree oil which has been proven to kill toenail fungus.  It takes time though.  Depending on how bad your infection is, will determine how long you must use it to see significant results.  I recommend you use it faithfully for up to a year on a daily basis.  I remedied my toenail fungus in just 4 months, but I only had the condition in my big toes.  I was using white distilled vinegar on my toes before that to keep the fungus from spreading to the other toes.  Vinegar keeps the fungus from spreading but can't get under the nail to kill it completely.  Clear Toe salve contains an ingredient that penetrates the nail to get to the root cause of the problem.  Try it today!  Call (304)538-7979 to order or for more information.  Some of my products can be purchased at  Look for "Clear Toe" salve, Vanilla Pear Lip Balm, and custom-made oils!  I am also selling crocheted roses in various colors: a great gift for your mother or daughter.  Roses that won't die!  They will cherish them forever.  Check out my shop "lavrosenaturals" on

To purchase TLV Naturals products, visit

Testimonial from a customer, Victor Montoya, who gave my "Clear Toe" salve 5 STARS on  Following is an excerpt from his review of the product after using for 7 weeks:  "I'm now at week 7 and the pictures speak for themselves.  The fungus is dyiing off.  I'm so proud I found something that works.  Please, if anyone is suffering from this (toenail fungus), don't hesitate to buy.  I will be ordering a larger size next time.  Shipping was very quick.  I highly recommend this product."  Victor posted his "progress" pictures on etsy.  To see them, go to and look for my product, "Clear Toe" salve.  Click on the picture of the product then select "reviews" to see Victor's post and pictures.

Testimonial from a customer, Victor Montoya, who gave my "Clear Toe" salve 5 STARS on  Following is an excerpt from his review of the product after using for 7 weeks:  "I'm now at week 7 and the pictures speak for themselves.  The fungus is dying off.  I'm so proud I found something that works.  Please, if anyone is suffering from this (toenail fungus), don't hesitate to buy.  I will be ordering a larger size next time.  Shipping was very quick.  I highly recommend this product." 

Victor posted his "progress" pictures on etsy.  To see them, go to and look for my product, "Clear Toe" salve.  Click on the picture of the product then select "reviews" to see Victor's post and pictures.