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"Sox, the Christmas Horse"

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I am so proud to have written a children's book based on my real life experience as a ten-year old girl wishing for her very own horse!  Most of the events in the story really happened to me.  As a child, I had a strong belief in God and truly believed that He would answer my prayers if I prayed long enough and hard enough.  I prayed and prayed for a horse and begged my parents to get me one for Christmas.  The pictures in the book are really of me as a young girl.  The book teaches young people to believe in themselves and how to overcome difficulties.  It teaches about the importance of forgiveness when someone hurts us. This book is available in black and white and in color as well as an electronic version for Kindle.  It makes a great gift for girls, ages 8-12 who love horses.  Enjoy!

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