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This book had me in tears for hours.  June is a local nurse in Moorefield, WV and I knew her daughter in school.  She shares stories of patients she has worked with in their final hours on this earth.  Some see Heaven and some see Hell.  She tries to help everyone cross over peacefully, even the nonbelievers.  If this book doesn't stir your heart, nothing will!  Very well-written and inspiring.  It would make a great gift for anyone. 


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Dr. Axe is a nutritionist based in Nashville, TN and has been featured on the Dr. Oz show many times.  He is passionate about helping people live healthier lives through eating well and exercising.  He has numerous articles on his website that can help people with many different illnesses.  He helped heal his mother of breast cancer by putting her on the right diet.  She had survived cancer once using chemo, but the chemo left her with many other ailments afterwards.  Eight years or so later, her cancer returned.  Dr. Axe did not want her to go through chemo again and helped design a nutrition plan for her that cured her cancer for good!  Food is medicine if you know how to use it properly.  In this book, Dr. Axe talks about how we are too clean nowadays with hand sanitizers and such.  We need a little dirt in our lives to help our immune systems thrive.  Clean up your gut and you will help avoid many devastating health problems later on.

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This book will open your eyes to cancer cures!  Suzanne tells about doctors who are curing cancer without the use of or limited use of chemo and radiation.  She talks about her personal battle with breast cancer.  Using stem cells, she actually regrew her missing breast!  She is a true advocate for women and such an inspiration to anyone who is dealing with cancer.  I highly recommend this book.

Get this book NOW!  A must for anyone dealing with cancer.

"When Hope Never Dies" by Marlene Marcello-McKenna is an amazing book of a determined woman's battle with melanoma cancer.  At 39 she had to face the most difficult diagnosis and was given a death-sentence prognosis by her doctors.  The cancer was at stage 4 and spreading rapidly throughout her body.  She was told she only had 4 months to live and that chemo would likely not help her.  Instead she learned of a Japanese diet called "macrobiotics."  She faithfully committed herself to following this diet, along with the help of a Japanese microbiotic-coach.  She watched in amazement as her cancer tumors began to shrink and disappear.  Five months later, she felt 100% better and had her oncologist check her body for cancer.  He could not find any trace of cancer left in her body!  Twenty-five years later, she was inspired to write this book and give others hope.  Don't miss your chance to own a copy of this amazing book.  A true inspiration for anyone who is fighting cancer.

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