Lavender Rose Healing Massage
Heal Your Body the Natural Way

Oreganol P73

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I highly recommend this product for anyone who is suffering from toenail fungus or any other infection.  IT IS A NATURAL BLOOD THINNER, so do not take along with blood thinning medication unless approved by your doctor.  This product is a natural remedy to clear up toenail fungus and other stubborn fungal infections in the body. 

I had a severe case of tonsillitis that was not responding to antibiotics.  I have also suffered with toenail fungus.  Along with using my "Clear Toe" salve, I used this product internally and remedied my toenail fungus problem.  My tonsils have shrunk and my throat is almost completely healed.  People have even claimed to effectively fight cancer with this product.  I recommend you do some serious research if you wish to use it to treat cancer.  Be sure to find a qualified naturopathic doctor or herbalist skilled in how to prescribed the appropriate dose.

For myself,  I take one pill per meal to fight my tonsillitis.  No need for tonsil surgery!  And you must limit sugar in your diet to clear up toenail fungus and even cancer.  ALL infections in the body feed off of sugar!  Those sweet treats WILL CAUSE cancer to grow rapidly.  There is also a great book on this product that includes many wonderful stories of how people have used this to treat a variety of ailments.  I recommend you get that book.  It is called the "Miracle of Wild Oregano." Get it here:

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